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RAICES Access Program


One of the Spanish Speaking Elderly Council-RAICES major accomplishments was the development of RAICES Access Program in 1985. A model program on the application of the principles of cultural competency as a means by which to reach underserved minority populations and thereby increasing access to aging services.


The services provided through the RAICES Access Program includes case assistance, outreach services, referral and information. RAICES Access Program assists in securing all major benefits/entitlements. These include Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, Suplemental Income (SSI), Food Stamps, Senior Housing Issues, Senior Citizens Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE), Elder Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage, Life-Line, Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), Housing, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Real Property Tax Credit (IT-214), New York City School Tax Credit (NYC 210).


The staff provides each client with the information requested and sets up appointments and/or refers clients to appropriate community or governmental agencies. To help clients secure services, RAICES provides case assistance, translations and interpretation services, escort services and individual client advocacy services.


The facility is ADA compliant and is housed in a safe, convenient and accessible location in the Downtown section of Brooklyn.


RAICES Access Program’s methods have proven successful due to the program’s ability to reach and establish a rapport with targeted underserved populations. This is accomplished through the commitment of a dedicated staff which is able to provide culturally competent services and provide bilingual services to the populations targeted.

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